
Showing posts from July, 2017

History Is Written By Victors

There’s an African fable that goes: In the jungle when  the lion wakes up early in the morning, its prayer is for God to make an appointment between itself and a deer – and that He does not assist either of them after that.                      You can bet that this one was narrated by a lioness seated somewhere under a tree, leisurely picking its tooth with a hare’s rib. Anyway, doesn't it kind of explain what ascending to power is like? History has shown, time and again, that only those who leave the battleground alive get to determine how the events of a war will be recollected. While the latter might receive mentions as worthy adversaries and heroes (by their own folks), generally the victor, now  the people’s champion ,remains etched firmly in the minds of the populace as their strong protector who can be relied upon to lead by averting any internal or external a...